Thursday, December 23, 2010

Supplementy Stuff 1

There are times I wish I had loads of cash. Okay I don't care that much about money but when I pour over the t-tapp store I drool over things that normal people would raise an eyebrow at. I mean who drools over alfalfa and Vitamin D3 spray? And fiber? Seriously?

Me! That's who.

I really think it's part of the all-or-nothing mentality that I fight everyday. The same mentality that took the eating of one small cookie today and turned it into 7. The same one that turns one day of not working out into a week. And the same mentality that makes me want every single supplement in the t-tapp store. BUT those things cost money and just so you know, we don't have a lot of that ha!

So I ordered something small and cheap. Grapefruit oil. And DELICIOUS!

It makes water taste delicious! - SERIOUSLY it's yummy. And honestly even more than taste is the smell. It smells SOOO insanely good that it makes me happy when I drink water. I long to breathe in the smell and in turn I drink more. A drop or two in a quart is all so that small bottle will last a LONG time!

Grapefruit is a noted lymphatic stimulant and will assist in removal of toxic wastes from the body's cells and help regulate the balance of water in the tissues. I've been trying to drink it more as I try and do my body brushing more. I figure the two together will help my lymphatic system to work better.

Grapefruit Essential Oil can also be used the clean the CRT Body Brush since it has natural antifungal and antibacterial properties. I even put a drop ON my body brush before I brushed. Can I just say it is SO nice to have that smell wafting as I brush? LOVE it.

Also when Grapefruit Essential Oil is ingested it has reported to help with the digestion of fats and can help with cellulite control and weight loss. Well we all know that I NEED to lose weight and cellulite. What an added plus! I'll take it.

It's only $8 (note I'm not an affiliate at the moment so I get nothing for telling you about it!) and at the time I got it was even on sale for $6. Definitely affordable for me.

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