Wednesday, November 17, 2010

And here we go

To be honest, I can't believe I'm not only starting this blog but doing t-tapp at all. Confession time. I have been a long time anti-t-tapper. From my research I have been a die-hard weight lifter and interval type cardio gal. And I admit that I love pulling around a big heavy barbell. I do. I don't really like doing sprints but I "got" why intervals worked. But I didn't "get" t-tapp. And to be honest I still lean towards natural movements being better for the body. I have friends who have argued with me about it. Friends who have had great results by the way. Friends who LOVE t-tapp. We've gone back and forth. And I'm well known amongst them as the anti-t-tapper.

Enter my back pain. There's something about getting told you basically have NO lowest disk and it's a surprise you can walk. There's something about waking up in the morning to a family of 5 kids and NOT being able to walk. There's something about not being able to carry your baby downstairs without your back giving out and falling. There's something about the doctor telling you that if you continue on the exercise path that you're on that you may end up bedridden for months at a time that just well . . . . changes things.

So here we are. There was only one no impact, spinal alignment exercise that I thought of as the Dr. told me that I needed to change my life. T-tapp. MAN there's nothing like having to eat crow I tell ya that much. Even had one person I know somewhat call me out "what happened? I thought you were totally against t-tapp". I talked to Clay about it and got Basic Workout Plus. I joined the t-tapp forums and got to reading.

And here we go. On a journey in the pursuit of tappiness. And so begins a blog about my t-tapp journey hopefully from an overweight, tired, in pain homeschooling mom of 5 to a healthy, thinner, stronger, more active mom of... who knows how many by the time I get there lol. (oh the first post of any blog is always the hardest and the worst. Bear with me)