Friday, December 31, 2010


Before I forget lol.

Tuesday: PBS, t-tapp twist, lawnmowers and Hoedowns

Wednesday: PBS, TTT, OIP/HF full version, Hoedowns - *note* when I went to bed it was the first time I have gone to bed where when I relaxed my back I didn't have ANY pain. Those stretches from OIP/HF were amazing.

Thursday: PBS, the stretching from OIP/HF - *note* was hoping to wake with no back pain but both the baby and Garrison were up most of the night in bed with me and I hardly got any sleep. I was a tad sore but not horrible. Who knows how I would have been should I NOT have done the OIP/HF

Friday so far: OIP/HF stretching, PBS - Woke feeling pretty good! Was a tad sore but NO weakness in the back! So did the OIP/stretching and some arm movements before getting out of bed and was actually ABLE to do PBS after that. I NEVER can do PBS in the morning. Will be doing the full OIP/HF tonight I think. Wait it's New Year's. We'll see.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Free Food/Exercise Log

I started this originally thinking I could easily keep track of my workouts. But if I don't log in for a couple of days I find I forget my workouts so easily. Every time I start a new entry I keep having to rack my brain to remember. And I have realized that while I don't like to journal at all in an actual paper notebook, I like to list, plan, etc. in a real notebook. Do you KNOW how many binders and notebooks I've made? Now using them.... it another story for another time.

Then of course while poking around Charlotte's blog I read this post by Charlotte about her notebooking. Here's her always motivating entry:
Charlotte's Notebooking Entry I was told she goes into more detail about it in her book. Go read there and be inspired to start the year off with a notebook.

As the New Year approaches I, like most every other woman out there, am gearing up to start revamping my life. So as part of that I want to set up an exercise, food and supplement journal. So I opened Photoshop and made myself some. And I figured that others might enjoy and use them too. SO you can download them here on the blog! The links are down under the preview and description. Here's a little preview of the pages.

There are two versions - plain and swirls with more decorative font.
Each zip includes:
Cover page
Daily Log page
2 Weekly Log sheets(1 with food log space, one without)
Long-term goal sheet
Short-term goal sheet
2 Numbers sheet (one with weight & measurements, one with just measurements)
T-tapp tips and tweaks sheet
A sheet with some great dry brushing info (I mean you can pretty much guarantee you get "what's dry brushing?" whenever you mention it so now you can print this and hand it out)

Download here:
Plain Log Sheets Download
Swirly Log Sheets Download

Note- if you haven't used 4shared before when you click that link it will take you to a page where it says "thank you for downloading" and has a timer counting down. Wait the 20 seconds, then click the BLUE link that says "Download Now". When the popup opens click SAVE then choose where you want it saved. It is a zip file so you will need to unzip it. When you go to open it, your computer will have a button that says "Extract Files". Click that and you're golden.
They are both zip files and if you have troubles opening them, just let me know.

I hope you enjoy and get loads of use out of these. AND I'm totally open for making more pages if anyone wants to suggest a change or a different page!

And lest I forget:
Thursday: BWO+ using the audio - I tried to do this in the bathroom with the mirror. I don't know how you guys who use a mirror do it. I couldn't focus ONE BIT. It was a so-so workout

Sunday: BWO+ Tempo and brushing. I like brushing. Why I procrastinate with it I don't know.

Monday: Brushed in the morning & BWO+ and the Balance Sequence from TWO. Balance was a tad hard and I'm crossing my fingers that my back feels good in the morning. Worked out in the afternoon instead of night.

Eating Healthy

So on this message board I'm on I posted something and the subsequent discussion really got me thinking about me and food and WHAT EATING HEALTHY IS. Is it eating the exact right proportion of nutrients? Or is it eating in a way that is healthy for both mind AND body?
Photo Credit: Boise State

I've always eaten pretty healthy. We only do brown rice, whole grains, eat loads of fruits and veggies, raw milk, etc. The majority of what we eat are great nourishing foods. Yet still I'm overweight. Yet still I have an incredibly unhealthy relationship with food. And as I'm trying to truly change my life I realize that things with food are NOT simple. While in theory the whole "just eat healthy foods" thing is great, I am realizing that I'm going to have to come to terms with the fact that for me, that's not all there is to eating healthy.

I FINALLY realize why things like going low carb, etc. don't work for me. If I truly DO them successfully they do but I always fail then I feel even worse than ever. When I do restrictive kinds of diets I tie certain foods to right and wrong. So if I am only supposed to have no processed food at all and I eat say a small bowl of ice cream I feel like I've done WRONG, I've sinned even. Or if I'm only going to have a certain number of carbs and I crave an orange and I eat that I feel horrible. An orange! When I restrict certain TYPES of food, I tie food into my identity, my spiritual life, into whether I'm doing right or wrong. I spend the entire time I try to lose weight burdened heavily by my constant failure ,feeling overwhelmed with a feeling of constantly being in sin. And as we can guess then I overeat and gain more. This is what has happened this entire Holiday season for me (okay and my entire adulthood).

I want to learn to eat normally. I want to learn to healthy portions of whatever the food is. I want to be able to eat a few bites of ice cream and not eat the whole carton because well.... what difference does it make? I've already blown my diet by eating ice cream so might as well really enjoy it and eat a ton right? No. I want to be able to ENJOY food enough that I can savor a portion instead of shoveling it in where I enjoy it even LESS.

I wish I had NEVER dieted. I can't eat a single thing without thinking if it's high carb, low carb, high cal, etc. etc. I DO NOT want to be like this the rest of my life. I want to enjoy the blessing that food is. I don't want rules that make me obsess about food MORE. 5 small meals instead of 3. Well if I don't want 5 my mind is consumed with the fact that I either overate the last meal, or my metabolism's a mess and that's what I don't want 5. If I want 7 then I'm consumed with that I shouldn't have 7 or I'll get fat. All the food RULES destroy for me the blessing that food is. For ME saying "eat only nourishing foods and give yourself a small treat a day" would be a rule that in Day 1 I would break and then the self-condemnation would ensue. I want to be able to eat in a WAY that's healthy. Not only eat healthy foods because rationally that means I'm the healthiest. I want to EAT in a way that's healthy. So eat when I'm truly hungry. Eat only the amount I need. I want to be able to enjoy a treat if it sounds good and not feel the need to eat 10 pieces. I want to eat the way the Lord designed food to be IMO.

Food has definitely become an idol for me. I think of it often. I obsess about it. I get consumed with thoughts about food. Those thoughts can be of the cake I'm not allowed to eat so all I do is think about how great it smells and would taste. Or they can be because I then chose to eat some cake and then spend forever beating myself up about it. It is an idol in my life.

Years of dieting has destroyed my thought life with food. I try and take them captive and the captives revolt the second I take another bite.

Though I admit I'm scared of the idea of NOT having rules for my food. I haven't been able to trust myself to make good choices up until now so why would I make any from now on? I admit to being skeptical that I will EVER shake these tapes that run through my head over and over when I eat even the smallest thing. But it's my goal. So I'm starting this journey. HOW to do it I don't know yet. But hopefully as I read the rest of Overfed Head I'll learn LOL!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Doing at least a little

So last night I was feeling sore. I mean it was Christmas Adam (Because Adam comes before Eve after all). Definitely a busy day. Town day, hitting raw milk pickup, Walmart, Whole Foods and Lifeway then home to clean up. All in the midst of chaos on the roads. And off-topic but still.. people drive CUH-razy trying to get their last minute gifts. Cuh-razy. So by the time I was going to bed (way too late but we won't get into that) I could tell my back was SORE and was going to be even more sore the next day. But man it was late. Late late. So I decided to do the unthinkable.

Well unthinkable for ME anyways. I didn't do a whole workout. I actually braved the world unknown to us all-or-nothingers and did the bare minimum. I did PBS (Primary Back Stretch) and TTT (T-tapp Twist). I was even too tired to do any Hoedowns. But I figure since those are the two most back rehabilitative exercises that was worth giving a shot.

The verdict? I was okay this morning! I was hardly sore. I was even a tad stronger than some other days. So I guess this is step 1 for me in my quest to kill the all-or-nothings. And look, it doesn't take but a few minutes to do PBS and TTT. It doesn't. So I will be doing it everyday no matter what. Period.

Wait. HA! Did you read those last sentences? I took my victory against the all-or-nothings and ruined it. I just committed myself to doing it everyday no matter what. Yeah. It's a sickness.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Supplementy Stuff 1

There are times I wish I had loads of cash. Okay I don't care that much about money but when I pour over the t-tapp store I drool over things that normal people would raise an eyebrow at. I mean who drools over alfalfa and Vitamin D3 spray? And fiber? Seriously?

Me! That's who.

I really think it's part of the all-or-nothing mentality that I fight everyday. The same mentality that took the eating of one small cookie today and turned it into 7. The same one that turns one day of not working out into a week. And the same mentality that makes me want every single supplement in the t-tapp store. BUT those things cost money and just so you know, we don't have a lot of that ha!

So I ordered something small and cheap. Grapefruit oil. And DELICIOUS!

It makes water taste delicious! - SERIOUSLY it's yummy. And honestly even more than taste is the smell. It smells SOOO insanely good that it makes me happy when I drink water. I long to breathe in the smell and in turn I drink more. A drop or two in a quart is all so that small bottle will last a LONG time!

Grapefruit is a noted lymphatic stimulant and will assist in removal of toxic wastes from the body's cells and help regulate the balance of water in the tissues. I've been trying to drink it more as I try and do my body brushing more. I figure the two together will help my lymphatic system to work better.

Grapefruit Essential Oil can also be used the clean the CRT Body Brush since it has natural antifungal and antibacterial properties. I even put a drop ON my body brush before I brushed. Can I just say it is SO nice to have that smell wafting as I brush? LOVE it.

Also when Grapefruit Essential Oil is ingested it has reported to help with the digestion of fats and can help with cellulite control and weight loss. Well we all know that I NEED to lose weight and cellulite. What an added plus! I'll take it.

It's only $8 (note I'm not an affiliate at the moment so I get nothing for telling you about it!) and at the time I got it was even on sale for $6. Definitely affordable for me.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Another t-tapp blog to read

Sara is chronicling her t-tapp journey as I am on her blog:

Go check her out!

Dieting Makes You Fat

So I'm reading a great book called "the Overfed Head". It's by Rob Stevens. His site is HERE. I was fortunate enough to get the book when he was giving away free for a short time. But it's not expensive as far as ebooks go at $11.95. It's a worthwhile read in my opinion. It comes HIGHLY recommended to me from a friend who's a long term tapper and someone who has conquered weight once and for all. That's the kind of testimony I appreciate.
It's about learning to eat what your body needs, eat what you love and not obsess about food or diet. It was recommended by a friend. It instantly reminded me of how good ole Charlotte said she had learned to eat. The whole book is stuffed with nuggets of wisdom but I just read something in it that made a light bulb go off about dieting. I appreciate the science of weight loss. And this will open your eyes as well.

"when you diet, the weight you lose is composed of water, fat, and muscle. When you go off the diet, the weight you regain is mostly fat and water. So with every diet you are changing your fat-to-lean ration for the worse. That means you need fewer calories to maintain your current weigh than you would need if you weighed the same but had never dieted."

Yeah. Read it again. Failed diets (and 99.9% of them fail) actually make you FATTER and make it harder and harder to lose weight. I NEED to learn to stop obsessing about food. Period.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Great t-tapp forum post of the week

Okay this isn't a new post or anything but as of late t-tapp twist has become my favorite exercise and this post is grrrrrreat. Since doing anything other than just BWO+ has seemed to aggravate my back my goal for now is to give 1,000% on learning BWO+ the best I can. T-tapp twist is definitely the one exercise that as a whole I think for me, and I bet everyone, takes the longest and the most energy to get totally right.

This thread HERE by Kiona on the t-tapp boards is a gold mine of information on learning exactly how those hips should feel when doing t-tapp twist. I felt so much better when Kiona on the thread says that it's almost impossible to have your hips be 100% perfectly stable. So even the pros are still getting better at it. So I definitely feel a tad better about myself and my attempts at TTT. On the thread she gives great instruction on doing it sitting and against a wall to stabilize those hips. I plan on doing one of them once a day to really get it down. So run over and check out Kiona's amazing TTT thread HERE.

A nugget of wisdom from the amazing Charlotte

Remember Miss Inspiration herself Charlotte from my blog entry? If not, run over here and check out her video. On a Christian women's message board I'm on there has been a discussion/review thread of Charlotte's ebook. I won't give away a lot but I will say I really want to read it. She is such an inspiration and my friend Kim has said that the book is really inspiring. She shared with me a quote from her book and it really spoke to me.

You know, time is going to pass
whether you decide to T-Tapp consistently or not.
You can choose to give up or be “too busy”
and 6 months from now
wear the same size (or larger).
Or you can choose to be consistent
and work the workout
and 6 months from now
wear a smaller size and/or be toned and shapelier.
Six months will pass either way.

Where will I be in 6 months? I have been gaining about 5 lbs a month. So I can either be heavier than I've EVER been or I can be under 200 lbs! I can be fitter, healthier and happier. I can be disappointed in myself or I can be proud of my consistency.

I can't afford Charlotte's book right now as I have another t-tapp workout I want to get with my 50% off coupon that expires in January. But as soon as I can I'll do a review here. For myself of course LOL.

Did BWO+ (well Basic Tempo Plus since it's my favorite right now) this afternoon. Fighting the urge to do SATI. I need to break that "More is Better" mentality that years of diet and exercise have hammered in my brain. I may do PBS and t-tapp twist before bed though since my theory is that t-tapp twist and PBS are helping my back the most. We'll see...

Making cookies, eating cookies and um.....

Every year I make 4 bazillion cookies for Clay's work. I'm happy to do it. He is such a blessing to me and it honors me to be able to let him be "that guy". He likes being the guy who walks in with the mass amounts of tins of cookies. He likes being that guy who can take tins down to the Union office and give them to the head guys. He likes looking not just respected at work but respected at home as well.

But man I make A LOT of cookies. This year is was 10 kinds of cookies and many batches of each kind. 800 cookies maybe? We won't get into how many I ate. We just won't. You can imagine all on your own. If your imagination wants to be kind about it, I'll appreciate it.

I learned a couple of things yesterday in my cookie madness.

1. - I want, no I need, to remember just how gross eating sugar makes my body feel. After a day with way too much sugar, boy did I feel gross. In fact I feel even worse today, the day after with my body working to recover from a day with too high blood sugar.

2. - I want, no I need, to have t-tapp principles become natural. SO many times I found myself realizing how horrible I was standing, things like that. AND I got to the end of the day and poked around online and realized that not ONCE had I thought to do some Hoedowns to deal with my raised blood sugar. I have been getting into the habit of doing PBS (Primary Back Stretch) before bed hoping that will help my back. But had I been standing tight and tucked to protect my back and ribs up, lats set I would have had much less back soreness today.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Hiding my head in the sand

I have come to the realization that when things are bad I bury my head in the sand and hide. No posting on the t-tapp forums, no talking to my HK friends, and of course... no blogging on my new t-tapp blog. So here we are. Time to shake the sand off, buck up and hop back on the wagon and any other cliches you can think of.

I took a good week off. I don't know why I do it. Well I don't know why anymore than I know why I eat 10 cookies instead of 1. Or none. Wouldn't eating none and feeling fine be just amazing? Anyways, so I didn't get around to tapping for a week. I was feeling invincible back-wise. My back just was feeling great (after the week of tapping before!) and I just let myself not do it. Do we know where this is going? Yeah, my back became a MESS after a long day in town, at the store, then cleaning my mom's house. No tapping+hard work=downright painful and hard to walk in the morning. Sigh.

So this week I started again. Monday and Tuesday I did BWO+ (okay I did Basic + Tempo which is a version of BWO+ but it's my favorite). My back was still stiff in the mornings but hey I could walk and make breakfast for the kids. I was on a roll. And again the feeling of invincibility crept in.... and Wednesday I tried to do the lunges after BWO+ (I got my TWO DVD 2 in the mail that day!!). I know, I know, I have a bad back, a back that makes it hard to walk at times, and I know that overdoing it is a recipe for disaster. But I'm an all-or-nothing gal. Sue me. So needless to say my body wasn't so happy the next morning. Was discouraging to have done my t-tapp and have my back hurt. But I did push it past my comfort zone and I know it was the cause. But discouraging nonetheless. I really want to be able to do TWO.

I did B+Tempo last night but was still sore this morning from the day before so today I'm taking a full day off. I did PBS (Primary Back Stretch) today with the kids and will do brushing before bed. But I am hoping that a full recovery day (though I admit it took everything I had not to pop in SATI (Step Away the Inches) and do that). but hopefully this full day will help me to really get my back ready to tapp again tomorrow. Less is More is SUCH a hard thing for me to comprehend. I hear it said on the t-tapp forums a million times but it's SO hard for me to embrace. I've always been the "add as many plates to my barbells, run as fast as I could, working out twice a day is always better than once" person. It's time to retrain my thinking on this!

Workouts for the week of December 13-17th:
M - BWO+ Tempo
T - BWO+ Tempo
W - BWO+ and lunges from Instructional 2
Th - BWO Tempo & body brushing
F - Day off/PBS and body brushing

Weight: 212.2 Sigh. I know that measurements matter and weight shouldn't but when you're over 200 lbs seeing that scale goes down is a great thing. I WILL have it down next week. And if I don't I'm sure I'll pretend this blog doesn't exist :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

If this doesn't inspire you I don't know what will

Poke around the t-tapp forums, get to know enough about t-tapp and you will eventually hear of Charlotte. Charlotte is the mom of 12 kids and THE most inspiring t-tapp testimony in MY opinion of course. With regular short workouts, with consistency with t-tapp she went from a size 22W to a now size 4! Seriously. That's something. And what's amazing to me as well is that as you watch her from the first segment to a year later, she has gained so much self-confidence as well as looks amazing. Okay we've seen a million transformation stories where someone goes from being 250 lbs to 120 and how they now love the gym and workout an hour every morning at 4am and run marathons. But I will never do that. There was a time in my youth when we lived in the city that we went to the gym early but I'm not that spring chicken, I live in the country, I have horrible back problems and now find that I am incredibly lazy Bwahahah. But over and over at the t-tapp forums and things like in Charlotte's video I hear the same thing "you don't have to workout hours a day, you just have to BE CONSISTENT". Smaller shorter workouts where you give 100% and be consistent. I've watched Charlotte's video a million times because it always makes me feel like I can actually DO THIS. I can be thin again, I can be healthy again, I can find strength and self-confidence again.

Measurements and the dreaded pounds

Somewhere on this whole blog of mine I know there needs to be some starting point in terms of measurements and poundage. More than anything this blog is to be a journal of sorts because written journals just don't work for me. I LOVE them but the curse applies to them too. Curse you ask? Yes curse. The "I don't finish anything I start" curse. It's that one that I hope to break with this whole t-tapp thing. I've had umpteen journals. Maybe more. But I really want to be able to track my workouts and being honest with myself, I KNOW that I'll lose my notebook or a sweet little girl will take it and color walking talking smiling flowers all over it and it would cease to be mine. So this blog will have to do. I surely spend more time sitting my rump in this chair than I do writing in a notebook anyways. So that ups my chances of success as well right?

So weight. And measurements. ACK! Do I have to? Yes, Kim, you have to.

Weight: Part of me wants to believe what everyone has been saying. Trish in particular. Trish has lost Down 174" and 8 sizes since 1/26/07! That's from a 22W to an 8!!! (But only 31 pounds) That's amazing right?! And over and over on the t-tapp forums she has counseled people to stop weighing and just measure. But MAN I want that scale to go down. I do. I hate looking at the number and I'm just not sure I'm ready to give up my scale just yet. So my weight as of this morning is a whopping:
210.6 lbs

Measurements: Now I want to document my original starting measurements of a month ago and my ones as of today in case I lose my paper version or it becomes a paper airplane and gets thrown off the porch into the area the dog "goes" where I do NOT go.

Original starting measurements:
Bust/Chest: 45
Pecs: 41.25
Ribs: 39
Waist: 42
Abdomen: 42
Hips: 44
Upper Thigh:
R: 26.5
L: 26.5
Lower Thigh:
R: 19
L: 19
R: 16.25
L: 16.25
Upper Arms/Biceps:
R: 12.5
L: 12.5

Today's Measurements:
Bust/Chest: 44
Pecs: 41
Ribs: 37
Waist: 42
Abdomen: 42
Hips: 43.75
Upper Thigh:
R: 26
L: 25.5
Lower Thigh:
R: 18.25
L: 18.5
R: 15.75
Upper Arms/Biceps:
R: 12.5
L: 12.5

Well so about these numbers. Let me say that I have NOT lost any weight this month. And it's definitely an eating thing. But we'll note that I lost 7.5 INCHES! And I've gotten compliments that I looked thinner through the middle. No weight lost but body changing. Am I believer in ditching the scale? Still not yet LOL!

So there it is. In all it's glory.

eight: Part of me wants to believe what eve

Month 1 update and chat

So as soon as I started this blog Thanksgiving rolled around and I just well.... ate whatever, didn't workout for a week and well you know how that goes right? I'm certainly not the only person in the world who does that kind of stupid thing and lives to regret it. Right?

I think sometimes we do things because we need to be reminded of just how crappy they make us feel so we get re motivated to NOT do them. So after a week of no t-tapp I woke one fine gorgeous Sunday morning unable to walk. Truly the worst day since I started t-tapp a month ago. It was the worst day since this lack of disc started causing me problems. Truly a dark dark day.

And of course Clay asked why I haven't been doing my t-tapp. Sigh. I don't know honey, why am I overweight, why do I eat so much, why is this house a mess, why didn't I brush my teeth last night, why didn't I do my t-tapp? Argh. Just because I know it's good for me doesn't mean I do it. Clearly.

*quick sidetrack* So that dark bad back no good day? So after hours upstairs in bed I decided to brave the downstairs. I literally had to brace myself on the wall and stair rail, white knuckling it the whole way down. I got about halfway downstairs and our HUGE 100+ lbs handmade with rough timber siderailing on our stairs ripped off the wall and crashing to the ground. It was quite scary since it hit the chair where on a weekend morning a child is usually playing some of their only allowed "game time". It was 3 feet away from our 1 year old. Scary. And at the same time incredibly depressing that me and my 200+ lbs was too much for the railing. Now I should note that WE did not make that handrail, the guy who made this rocking little house did. Just making that clear to save my husband's reputation and all that. Turns out those screws the dude used just weren't that long. Go figure. And I'm fat and exert way too much force. Pfft.

So I hopped back on the t-tapp wagon. Monday I did BWO+ and yesterday did BWO+. After Monday's workout I woke up able to walk but still a tad sore. And after yesterday's t-tapping I awoke this morning feeling pretty darn good if I do say so myself. This whole t-tapp thing never ceases to amaze me. I was such an anti-t-tapper for SO long. And here I am unable to skip even a day without my body freaking out! Who would have thought?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

And here we go

To be honest, I can't believe I'm not only starting this blog but doing t-tapp at all. Confession time. I have been a long time anti-t-tapper. From my research I have been a die-hard weight lifter and interval type cardio gal. And I admit that I love pulling around a big heavy barbell. I do. I don't really like doing sprints but I "got" why intervals worked. But I didn't "get" t-tapp. And to be honest I still lean towards natural movements being better for the body. I have friends who have argued with me about it. Friends who have had great results by the way. Friends who LOVE t-tapp. We've gone back and forth. And I'm well known amongst them as the anti-t-tapper.

Enter my back pain. There's something about getting told you basically have NO lowest disk and it's a surprise you can walk. There's something about waking up in the morning to a family of 5 kids and NOT being able to walk. There's something about not being able to carry your baby downstairs without your back giving out and falling. There's something about the doctor telling you that if you continue on the exercise path that you're on that you may end up bedridden for months at a time that just well . . . . changes things.

So here we are. There was only one no impact, spinal alignment exercise that I thought of as the Dr. told me that I needed to change my life. T-tapp. MAN there's nothing like having to eat crow I tell ya that much. Even had one person I know somewhat call me out "what happened? I thought you were totally against t-tapp". I talked to Clay about it and got Basic Workout Plus. I joined the t-tapp forums and got to reading.

And here we go. On a journey in the pursuit of tappiness. And so begins a blog about my t-tapp journey hopefully from an overweight, tired, in pain homeschooling mom of 5 to a healthy, thinner, stronger, more active mom of... who knows how many by the time I get there lol. (oh the first post of any blog is always the hardest and the worst. Bear with me)