Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Month 1 update and chat

So as soon as I started this blog Thanksgiving rolled around and I just well.... ate whatever, didn't workout for a week and well you know how that goes right? I'm certainly not the only person in the world who does that kind of stupid thing and lives to regret it. Right?

I think sometimes we do things because we need to be reminded of just how crappy they make us feel so we get re motivated to NOT do them. So after a week of no t-tapp I woke one fine gorgeous Sunday morning unable to walk. Truly the worst day since I started t-tapp a month ago. It was the worst day since this lack of disc started causing me problems. Truly a dark dark day.

And of course Clay asked why I haven't been doing my t-tapp. Sigh. I don't know honey, why am I overweight, why do I eat so much, why is this house a mess, why didn't I brush my teeth last night, why didn't I do my t-tapp? Argh. Just because I know it's good for me doesn't mean I do it. Clearly.

*quick sidetrack* So that dark bad back no good day? So after hours upstairs in bed I decided to brave the downstairs. I literally had to brace myself on the wall and stair rail, white knuckling it the whole way down. I got about halfway downstairs and our HUGE 100+ lbs handmade with rough timber siderailing on our stairs ripped off the wall and crashing to the ground. It was quite scary since it hit the chair where on a weekend morning a child is usually playing some of their only allowed "game time". It was 3 feet away from our 1 year old. Scary. And at the same time incredibly depressing that me and my 200+ lbs was too much for the railing. Now I should note that WE did not make that handrail, the guy who made this rocking little house did. Just making that clear to save my husband's reputation and all that. Turns out those screws the dude used just weren't that long. Go figure. And I'm fat and exert way too much force. Pfft.

So I hopped back on the t-tapp wagon. Monday I did BWO+ and yesterday did BWO+. After Monday's workout I woke up able to walk but still a tad sore. And after yesterday's t-tapping I awoke this morning feeling pretty darn good if I do say so myself. This whole t-tapp thing never ceases to amaze me. I was such an anti-t-tapper for SO long. And here I am unable to skip even a day without my body freaking out! Who would have thought?

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