Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday Weigh In

Monday is when I weigh in and measure on a Christian board I'm on. All the times I have done this in the past I never keep my records. So hopefully here they will not be lost.

Starting Weight: 214.4
Week 2: 210.8
2 Week Total Loss: 3.3 lbs

Starting: 403
Week 2: 396.75
2 Week Total Loss: -5.75"

Am I the only one who every time I measure can't help but wonder if I'm measuring the wrong places every time? I never trust my results. Up, down, I always end up attributing it to measuring not in the exact same spot. So here I am down almost everywhere and my mind can't give it up that I might have actually lost something. But I lost weight and inches so it must be real right? Ever amazed at just how long term dieting has totally messed up your thinking?! Here I am down some pounds, down some inches and I literally can't believe it. I didn't expect to be down this far weight wise so my first thought? I must not have eaten enough yesterday so I must have less in my "gut". Stupid. Same with my inches. I FULLY expect to next week measure in a slightly different place and be right back up again. What is it about ME or dieting or something that makes it feel impossible to embrace ANY success? Do I want myself to fail? I definitely expect myself to fail. And to be honest, despite all this "change your thinking" talk by ladies I respect, I am yet to get HOW to do that. Just telling myself to stop thinking the worst of myself doesn't change the thoughts when they come. I'll need to pray about that some. I've gotten the advice to try and see myself how God sees me. And that's always a struggle. Because on one hand, I've been washed in the blood, but on the other hand I feel like a big ole giant sinner all the time. So what IS how God sees me? Definitely an area to meditate on.

And lest I forget - The workouts from the last week:
Tuesday 11 - MORE + BROOM
Wednesday 12 - PBS, TTT, HD
Thursday 13 - MORE
Friday 14 - PBS, TTT, HD
Saturday 15 - Off
Sunday 16 - MORE + BROOM

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