Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fabulous Oil Wells Form Tips at t-tapp forum

If you're anything like me there are some moves in MORE and Basic Workout Plus that you don't feel like you're getting 100% out of. Reach Scoop is one, and Oil Wells is one. Now I love Oil Wells and love the stretching I get reach through my legs but I KNOW I'm not getting everything out of Oil Wells that I should. Teresa has SO many things going on in every little move that when I read another insanely fabulous post by Kiona at the t-tapp forums about Oil Wells I was stoked! That Kiona is amazing in how she breaks down the pieces of moves and shows exactly how to implement the tweaks.
Kiona's Oil Wells post is a wealth of information. Here's a taste - When looking to do this move, what you want to remember to do is lift your ribs as you are doing the move itself. Very much like you would do while standing in typical T-Tapp stance.
What? My ribs should be lifted while doing OIL WELLS of all moves? What does that even mean?! Well go read Kiona's post. She's amazing and I'm excited to do Oil Wells tomorrow!!!
Click here to go to Kiona's post on the t-tapp forum

1 comment:

  1. Lifting Ribs is essential to whittling the middle! Kiona's advice is always spot on. :)
